A Miami-Dade judge issues a court order for Florida Department of Children and Families attorney, Clarissa Cabreja, to appear in court Wednesday. It suggests Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Maria Sampedro-Iglesia is concerned about the other kids who were inside the foster home of the Miami-Dade teen who hung herself on Facebook Live in January and may not be happy about how DCF handled it.
WIOD Legal Analyst, Mark Eiglarsh, says the judge just wants to know what happened.
"DCF has a very challenging job keeping track of the children they are supposed to monitor and then truthfully report to the judge. In this instance, it may be a lie, it may be incompetence or there may be an explanation that's consistent with innocence, but the judge just wants to know," said Eiglarsh.
Jessica Sims, Communications Director of Florida DCF, declined to comment, but did say they received the order last week and fully intend to comply.