South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

You likely saw Andrew Colton reporting live from many of the major events that have shaped our world, including the Pentagon on 9/11, the crash of...Full Bio


Rare $10K Bill Sells for Half Million Bucks

American U.S. 100 Dollar Bills

Photo: Bloomberg Creative / Bloomberg Creative Photos / Getty Images

A rare $10,000 bill from the Great Depression has sold at auction for $480-thousand dollars.

Heritage Auctions of Dallas says the large-denomination U.S. note was printed in Boston in 1934 and features the face of Abraham Lincoln's Secretary of Treasury Salmon P. Chase.

The auction house says the bill is of exceptional quality and noted that this month's winning bid broke the record for a ten-thousand-dollar bill from 1934.

The $10,000 bill was the highest denomination note to ever circulate publicly.

The $100,000 bill, featuring the face of Woodrow Wilson, was once used by Federal Reserve banks, but not intended for general use.

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