Photo: Elerium / E+ / Getty Images
Americans may be advised to drink less, according to the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).
That's what President Biden's alcohol czar Dr. George Koob is recommending. Similar to Canada, Americans may be asked to limit their alcohol consumption to just two drinks a week.
Current recommendations in the U.S. say women can have up to one drink a day while men can have up to two drinks a day.
The NIAAA currently defines heavy drinking for men as consuming more than four drinks in one day, or more than 14 drinks per week, whereas heavy drinking for women is defined as consuming more than three drinks in one day, or more than seven drinks per week.
Don't put a cork in it just yet as critics blast Koob’s comments as the latest example of the Biden administration’s nanny state.
“This is who the Democrats are,” Representative Troy Nehls (R., Texas) told Fox News. They want to control every aspect of your life.”
Alcohol consumption guidelines aren't up for review until 2025.