South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

You likely saw Andrew Colton reporting live from many of the major events that have shaped our world, including the Pentagon on 9/11, the crash of...Full Bio


Miami Killer Whale, Lolita, Thriving Ahead of Move to Washington State

Child with Dad at aquarium

Photo: benedek / E+ / Getty Images

(Miami, Fla) - Miami Seaquarium is updating the health, Lolita, the 60-year-old killer whale.

Plans are underway to move Lolita, one of the oldest orcas in captivity, to a sanctuary near her home waters off Washington state.

Lolita's relocation could take more than a year and until then, the Seaquarium says she is eating well, swimming laps and playing with trainers.

Her pool has undergone over $500 thousand worth of improvements, and it's cleaned three times a week and kept at a maximum temperature of 58 degrees.

The Seaquarium says it'll share regular updates on Lolita's health through social media and a dedicated page on

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