South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

South Florida’s 1st News With Andrew Colton

You likely saw Andrew Colton reporting live from many of the major events that have shaped our world, including the Pentagon on 9/11, the crash of...Full Bio


Rare Pink Dolphin Spotted in the Gulf of Mexico

In a picture taken on August 19, 2011, a

Photo: AFP / AFP / Getty Images

(Gulf of Mexico) -- A rare pink dolphin was spotted swimming in the Gulf of Mexico last week.

Sightings of albino dolphins are extremely rare, and they've only been spotted in the Gulf a handful of times.

"Pinky," an albino dolphin was first seen in 2007 but it's unclear if this latest sighting was indeed Pinky.

Albino dolphins have a genetic mutation that causes their skin to appear pinkish white.

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