The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Democrat Admits They Will OVERTURN The Election If Trump Wins?!

A clip has surfaced of Democratic congressman Jamie Raskin saying that if Trump wins the 2024 election, it will be up to Democrats to "disqualify him" on January 6, 2025 ... and that doing so could "lead to something akin to civil war." Glenn breaks down why this 14th Amendment, Section 3 argument is dangerous and wrong: "So, they will overturn the vote," although Trump was never tried, convicted, or even charged with insurrection. How is that "democracy?" But then again, this is the same party and media that OVERNIGHT went from criticizing Kamala Harris' inability to keep staffers to calling her the greatest leader we've ever seen ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Now, I want to play something that I -- I hope, it is my honest prayer. That every day, I can reach somebody.

And they don't to agree with me in the end.

But reach somebody that hasn't done their homework. Who has just listened to the media. And has bought into all of this stuff.

But they're starting to go, you know, something doesn't seem right. Every day, I just hope that one person in this audience wakes up.

Because it's not just about the country. It's honestly about our souls.

We are so easily led astray on this. Now, I want to play something from Jamie Raskin. Now, Jamie Raskin is the guy who was in charge of the impeachment of Donald Trump.

He is -- you know, in my opinion, he's not the -- he's not the best of guys.

But, I just want you to hear what he was saying. Now, this is a couple of months ago, at a conversation at a bookstore in Washington, DC. The book is politics in prose.

And here's Jamie Raskin talking to the public, on what is coming if Donald Trump is elected.

Now, listen to this. Cut four.

VOICE: Last night, I was most worried. About the Supreme Court's perspective, imminent abdication of its very clear duty to disqualify Donald Trump from the ballot, under Section three of the 14th amendment.

And what that might mean, if their decision says that it's really up to Congress, on January 5th.

Or January 6th. 2025.

To disqualify him at the counting of the electoral college votes.

Which could really lead to something. Civil War. If that's what the suggestion is. Which is what I think I heard. When I went to the oral argument. That they themselves are unwilling to rule whether or not, the Colorado Supreme Court is correct in finding that he had engaged in insurrection on January 6th, 2021. So -- but that was just last night's worry.

GLENN: Okay. I want you to understand what he is saying.

The 14th Amendment, Section three is -- was written about the Civil War. And it was, if you were -- you know, if you were Jefferson Davis, who was a congressman or a senator. I can't remember.

And he was the head of the Confederacy. Because he was the president of the Confederacy, he engaged in insurrection. And so he could not then become president of the United States. Anyone who was engaged in insurrection, could not be president of the United States.

Well, that was very, very clear, back then, who was part of the insurrection, and who was not part of the insurrection.

It was a Civil War. Donald Trump has never been -- he's been accused of all kinds of stuff. And he has been accused of engaging in an insurrection.

But he has never been charged with that. Out of all of the charges, that they have laid against this guy, they've never charged him with insurrection.

Okay? Which means, because he's never been charged, he's never stood trial.

He didn't get a chance to make the case, no.

That wasn't insurrection. I wasn't involved in an insurrection.

So he hasn't been charged. He hasn't been tried. Nor has he been convicted of that.

But Raskin just believes that he was involved in an insurrection. And doesn't even think they need to make the legal case. He thinks the Supreme Court just should have said. No. It was insurrection.

Okay. So what he's saying here is: If he is elected, we're going to charge him with insurrection. Under the 14th amendment. Section three. And disqualify him, before he is officially sworn in, as president of the United States.

So they will overturn the -- the vote. He is so serious, about this. Now, remember, this is the way these people have been working.

They have -- they just say it, and because they have the media, it just becomes that. Okay?

Donald Trump was in cahoots with the Russians, to overturn the election, in '16. None of that is true.

Donald Trump had a bank account, that was being pinged by the you Russians.

None of that was true. But it suddenly became true.

The same thing with Hunter Biden.

His laptop isn't real.

That was true for a long time, for a lot of people.

Even though the government and people like Jamie Raskin knew it wasn't true.

Take Biden. He's not senile.

They met with him.

They knew he was fading. But they needed him to be the guy.

Until he proved in a debate, he couldn't be the guy.

He loses the debate, and all of a sudden, he is senile. And he has to go right now.

Because, why?

He can't handle being president?

Then why didn't you invoke the 25th Amendment.

Why didn't you do it the right way?

Why didn't you have a coup? But it wasn't a coup, it was a democratic process. No, it wasn't. Not constitutional.

He resigned. Sure. But how did that come about?

That was a coup. Then they just replaced.

Now, remember, Harris was -- she was incompetent. She was a joke.

Everybody in the media knew that. Everybody said that. In fact, the stories were, just a week before: She can't keep her staff. She is so hated, she's a monster in the office. And a week later, after hearing that for three years. A week later, the new reality is that it's Camelot. Like Camelot. That she's going to bring back the JFK years.

Because she's so beloved. And smart. And so unifying. So when they say things, they just expect everyone to believe it.

And the sad thing is, about 30 percent of the population believes it. Inflation is transitory. It's not real.

It is real.

And now it is real. But it was Donald Trump's fault, somehow or another.

Now, the consequences of this, is significant.

And Jamie Raskin knows it. Listen to cut five.

VOICE: What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly.

And the greatest example going on right now, before our very eyes is section three of the Fourteenth Amendment, which they're disappearing with a magic wand, as if it doesn't exist.

GLENN: Stop. Stop. They're disappearing this, as if it's a magic wand.

How -- how is the -- how is the right making something in the Constitution, disappear?

We're not disappearing it. We're saying, charge him. Try him.

You don't. Because you cannot win that case. You don't have any evidence, of that case.

It was easy under Jefferson Davis.

And believe me, if Donald Trump was trying to overthrow the -- the country and the Constitution, I would be standing with Jamie Raskin. Not near him.

I don't know -- I don't want to catch whatever it is he's got.

It's sanity. But I would not stand for any president, either side, trying to overthrow the Constitution of the United States.

And I don't think you would either.

But they haven't made that case.

They just could you see. So what happens?

He says, we're making that just disappear. So you have to fight for the Constitution. And here's what he says will happen.

VOICE: Disappearing with a magic wand. As if it doesn't exist. Even though it can't be clearer what it's stating.

They want to kick it to Congress. It will be up to us, January 6th, 2025. To tell the rampaging Trump mobs, that he's disqualified. Then we need bodyguards for everybody. In Civil War conditions. All because the nine justices. Not all of them.

But these justices, who have not many cases to look at, this year.

Not much work to do. A huge staff.

Great protection. Simply do not want to do their job.

And interpret what the great 14th amendment means.

GLENN: It is -- it is -- listen to what they're saying.

On one hand, because nine people made the choice that it is not a federal issue, on abortion.

They haven't done their job. And they're out of control. And what the Supreme Court was saying, is it has to be up to the people. And the states.

Not the court. Not nine people, making that decision.

They do the same thing on, what does the 14th Amendment mean?

Well, you've got to kind of charge the guy.

But, you know, this is all about Congress. So Congress has to make it.

They don't want that responsibility. They want the nine guys in the robes. To blame.

And so they -- they mock and say, the Supreme Court is lazy. And they just don't -- they don't have much to do.

And they just don't want to do this. And so we're going to have to have bodyguards. And Civil War companies.

And I hate to say it. But Jamie Raskin is right.

If they do that, it will be a Civil War.

You cannot unseat -- I mean, look at what they're saying. We're going to do exactly what we've accused Donald Trump of doing. On January 6th. Overthrowing the system.

And somehow or another, they'll be heroes.

This time.

America, you have a serious, serious choice.

And some deep thinking is required, now.

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