Photo: CBS 12
A South Florida cop who died after crashing his marked patrol car into a light pole while off duty was under the influence at the time.
The toxicology report from the autopsy of West Palm Beach Sergeant Fernando DeSouza showed he had a blood alcohol level that was three times the legal limit, at .26, while it is illegal to drive in Florida with a .08% blood alcohol content or higher.
"I don't think anybody can drive safely with that amount of alcohol in their system."
Criminal defense attorney Gregg Lerman tells CBS 12 News how it affects the body.
"Your motor skills, your thought process, your ability to react to situations are all affected negatively."
On top of the alcohol, the report also shows DeSouza had anti-depressant Prozac in his system at the time of the fiery crash last July.
The SUV burst into flames and ammunition inside it exploded, sending shell casings all over the roadway.
The police department points out that Sergeant DeSouza was off duty at the time.
The 43-year old had been with the police department since 2007.