Interested in working at Florida National University? Below you'll find just some of the current positions available.
- CRM Support Specialist
- Advisor
- Day Care Lead Teacher
- Associate University Registrar
- FNP Faculty Evaluator Practicum
- Finance Faculty
- Bursars Staff
- Receptionist
- Financial Aid Assistant
- Payroll Staff
To view, all job opportunities click here!
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Florida National University is fully committed to Equal Employment Opportunity and to attracting, retaining, developing, and promoting the most qualified employees without regard to race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, or any other characteristics prohibited by state or local law. They are dedicated to providing a work environment free from discrimination and harassment, and where employees are treated with respect and dignity. Florida National University also prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and will reasonably accommodate applicants with a disability, upon request, and will also ensure reasonable accommodation for employees with a disability.
All information provided in the official Florida National University Website is provided for information purposes only. Nothing on their website is intended or should be construed as a contract, expressed or implied unless otherwise specified. Information on the official university Website is subject to change without prior notice. Although every reasonable effort is made to present current and accurate information, Florida National University makes no guarantees of any kind. Any questions or concerns about this statement can be directed to our Human Resources Department.