Join Stichiz from 103.5 The Beat as she chats with a Mental Health Advocate from United Way of Broward County while they answer your questions about Mental Health on Instagram Live!
Join the conversation! Tuesday, February 2nd at 12:30pm on Stichiz's Instagram Live!
United Way of Broward County Commission on Behavioral Health & Drug Prevention (UWBCCBH) is a broad based substance misuse prevention and mental health promotion coalition dedicated to reducing negative consequences on individuals, families and communities. Today, its primary role is to serve as a coalition-building organization that brokers partnerships between federal, state and local agencies to foster, develop and enhance integrated behavioral health efforts throughout Broward County, while searching for innovative and effective ways to address the issue of substance misuse. Behavioral Health and drug prevention is a vital component of United Way of Broward County’s three impact areas (health, education and financial stability) focused on the solutions to close gaps in services and create a better life for all.
Click here to view the Commission on Behavioral Health & Drug Prevention's Prevention Resource Center which includes: toolkits, action plans & guides, briefings, drug trends, indicator reports and videos.
For more information click here!