When picking out a college or university, it isn't just about the school. It's about the location you'll be living in for years. College towns aren't just appealing to degree-seeking residents. They can also carry some benefits for future citizens, from affordability and attractions to transportation.
For those seeking a nice college town, or it just so happens to be where you're attending school, Stacker found the top big-city college towns in America. Here's how they determined their picks:
"Stacker identified the 50 best big-city college towns using WalletHub's study for 2023, published in November, which rated towns and cities using a number of metrics including 'wallet friendliness' and 'social environment.' Every city in the rankings has at least 300,000 residents and a university or college population of at least 7,500 students. Some locations have a number of schools that fit the criteria, while others have one flagship university."
Two popular Florida destinations broke into the Top 3: Miami and Tampa! Researchers also provided data to back up their place on the list:
Tampa (Ranked No. 2)
- Total score: 59.65
- Wallet friendliness rank: 172
- Social environment rank: 9
- Academic and economic opportunities rank: 83
Miami (Ranked No. 3)
- Total score: 57.71
- Wallet friendliness rank: 210
- Social environment rank: 3
- Academic and economic opportunities rank: 151
Here are the Top 10 best big college towns in America:
- Austin, TX
- Tampa, FL
- Miami, FL
- Raleigh, NC
- Atlanta, GA
- Seattle, WA
- Pittsburgh, PA
- San Diego, CA
- Colorado Springs, CO
- St. Louis, MO