Who knew our Governor’s race was going to be so entertaining. The first day on the campaign trail for Florida’s favorite chameleon and original Orangeman, Charlie Crist, exceeded all expectations when he began talking tough to Ron DeSantis when he said He is anti-freedom Ron. I mean wow, yeah, boy – that I’m sure stings and will surely stick. Anti-freedom Ron. Crist managed to prove he can’t even fail at attempting to troll DeSantis as well as The Hair can. The only thing more lame than repackaging an idea that already didn’t go over two months ago, when an actual governor attempted it, is a lamer repackaged version of it, with an attempt at a nickname which has no chance to stick. And seemingly realizing in real-time that didn’t sound as good coming out of his mouth as it evidently sounded in his head, he really decided to stick it to...you. I guess the idea being that if you can’t effectively stick it to your political opponent, make sure you stick it to the voters. We’ve all heard a lot of questionable things from candidates over the years but we’d never heard something like this until Crist: Those who support the governor should stay with him. And vote for him. I don’t want your vote. Well in that case, it didn’t take him long to concede. After all Governor DeSantis’ approval rating is pacing 54%, so, uh yeah, there’s that. I must admit I didn’t expect the man who monitors which way the wind is blowing to decide what party he’s in today would tell most of the state to vote for the other guy. Or that he’d then call you a hater. If you have that hate in your heart keep it there. So yeah, what’s that about? That doesn’t exactly sound like the best idea either. Why would one’s heart be a good place to store hate? But then again, you already knew you couldn’t trust Charlie as far as Governor DeSantis can throw Fauci. Yeah, there was that too. And that was just day one. I propose feats of strength in lieu of debates.
Photo: Getty Images