Survey Shows Best And Worst Valentine's Day Gifts

I fully understand the headline I assigned to this story lends itself to a cynical interpretation of Valentine’s Day. Truth be told I am a cynic when it comes to Valentine’s Day, or any contrived holiday for that matter. However, that’s not my intent behind this story. Why do we give other’s gifts? Because we’re looking for a positive result, right? At best we want to do for others altruistically, at worst we’re hoping to get something out of it.

Regardless of our intentions, the point of gifts are to achieve a positive result. A new survey found that while many gifts are determined to be acceptable for Valentine’s Day, there’s a clear delineation when it comes to the most effective gifts. This begins by not gifting what isn’t desired. The top three least desired gifts according to the survey are handcuffs, flowers, and chocolates.

Walking right past the whole handcuff thing because, if that’s plan “A”...? Bottom line is cliché gifts are out. That’s not to say no one wants them, just that more woman don’t want those gifts compared to others. Why? Because 53% view them as copouts. What is desired? 80% want something that’s specific to their interests. Good luck. She’s counting on you.

Photo by: Getty Images

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