Today’s entry: Hello Mr. Mudd: I am a conservative that wants to make a difference. Specifically, I need your guidance on how to approach the following: 1) Real Estate Taxes and Schooling Savings. Who do I write to? Who do I contact to give my opinion on why taxpayers should be reimbursed for the School System Savings during COVID? 2) School Savings during COVID. Who do I contact to request what the Miami-Dade School system has saved during COVID? I see that whenever services are taken away (In-School options), the expenses are not reimbursed to departments or more importantly taxpayers. COVID has caused disruption to all. Many, as you have said, are struggling financially. However, whatever is taken away should be given back in some way. Parents should receive reimbursements of the savings in the school year; taxpayers should also be reimbursed for funds given to the school system that are in surplus due to the "non-expense" of the school year (end of 2019 & 2020-2021) during COVID.
Bottom Line: As the case happened to be, I received this note just prior to speaking to Manny Diaz Jr., who chairs the Senate education committee in Florida. Asking him these questions directly, he offered up passionate and direct answers to these questions. His guidance is to notify your school board and state representatives along with your state senator and let them know your position. Also, encourage others to do the same.
Additionally, I received a promise from Senator Diaz Jr., that his committee will conduct a thorough review of the Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach County School Districts. Specifically, the use/reallocation of funds during COVID as no school district has been forthcoming about cost savings or refunding taxpayers for the services paid for but not received. These services include virtual-only education options, a delay in the start of the school year/fewer educational days, lack of access to extracurricular programs and failure to provide the same level/access to supplemental food programs.
At issue, among other considerations are transparency by the school districts. Florida law requires 1011.035 School district fiscal transparency.
Upon a comprehensive review of the websites of each TriCounty school district I found when the most recent date updated budget information was posted:
- Broward County: July 28, 2020 – operational proposed budget up at least $57.4 million for the 2020-2021 year with total enrollment up only 688 students.
- Miami-Dade July 29, 2020, incomplete data.
- Palm Beach County: September 2019
Based on state-mandated criteria, it’d appear that Palm Beach County stands in non-compliance with Florida’s transparency mandates. As for Miami-Dade, their updating is current, however, the data available appears to be incomplete. Broward’s is by far the most transparent and it’s also highly instructive.
Despite an increase of only 688 students, Broward’s tentative budget has operating increases of at least $57.4 million built-in above last year’s budget. My analysis of school spending showed Florida’s Virtual school to cost approximately $450 less per pupil per month than classroom education statewide. It’s clear that not only is Broward set to work off of a new record high budget, but they’re also set to increase per-pupil spending for the school year despite what should be significant per-pupil savings for as long as the district operates online only. But again, at least they’re abiding by the state’s transparency law. We do have issues with accountability in our school districts. I’ll do my part to keep you informed. Now it’s up to you to do yours for accountability, transparency, and change.
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