Today is Florida's Celebration of Israel's 70th Independence Day, as proclaimed by Governor Rick Scott in recognition of the close relationship between Israel and Florida.
Today, Gov. Scott is attending the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.
The Embassy in Jerusalem officially opened just several hours ago, on what President Trump is calling "A great day for Israel."
There's been no shortage of violence, however, in the run-up to the opening. Dozens of Palestinian protesters have been killed in clashes with Israeli security forces.
The embassy opening comes after President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital late last year and breaks with decades of American foreign policy.
While a law has been in place since the 1990s to require moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, previous administrations have used a clause to waive the law.
Both Israel and the Palestinians claim Jerusalem as their capital and the Palestinians wanted the city's status to be determined through a settlement. They see Trump's move as a slap in the face to the peace process.
Israel says the move simply recognizes the fact that Jerusalem is in fact the capital and will ultimately aid in establishing peace.