We're highlighting the high point, low point and current ratings of President Trump at the beginning of this month...
Trump's lowest ratings:
37% approval
59% disapprove
-22% (8/4/17)
Trump highest approval ratings (average)
45% approval
43% disapproval
+2% (1/27/17): -17
Trump's current ratings:
40% approval
56% disapprove
President Trump's rating was up a point over two weeks ago on back of a series of positive economic stories (as the economy is performing the best it has in 10 to 19 years based on which aspect of it you're looking for). I'm continuing to track a trend with President Trump's ratings. The more likely someone is to vote, the higher his overall approval rating although it narrowed quite a bit over the past couple of weeks.
With adult only samples his rating over the past week averaged: 38%
Registered voters only: 41%
Likely voters: 41%
The three-point spread between (the least engaged/informed people and the most) samples is the slimmest of late. We're in an important window of time with tax reform and the budget deal down to crunch time in Congress. If the President has two thirds of our top priorities enacted in his first full year as President that's arguably a success (tax reform & SCOTUS vacancy) - especially if tax reform includes the elimination of the ACA individual mandate.
- The range was Economist/YouGov –10%
- Reuters/Ipsos -19%
- euters/Ipsos -19%