Here's the high point, low point and current ratings for President Donald Trump...
Trump's lowest ratings:
37 percent approval
59 percent disapprove
Total: -22 percent (8/4/17)
Trump highest approval ratings:
45 percent approval
43 percent disapproval
Total: +2 percent (1/27/17)
Trump's current ratings:
39 percent approval
56 percent disapprove
Total: -17 percent
President Trump's rating was up two points this week on back of a constructive trip to Asia. I'm continuing to track a trend with President Trump's ratings. The more likely someone is to vote, the higher his overall approval rating.
With adult only samples his rating over the past week averaged: 37 percent
Registered voters only: 38 percent
Likely voters: 45 percent
This is the sixth consecutive week of this type of trend emerging. The eight point spread between (the least engaged/informed people and the most) samples is the largest yet. The President's approval rating among likely voters is now back to where it was at the time he took office.
We're in an important window of time with the budget deal now passed in Congress and the high potential for tax reform sitting in front of us. If the President has two thirds of our top priorities enacted in his first full year as President that's arguably a success - especially if tax reform includes the elimination of the ACA individual mandate.
The range was Rasmussen –8 percent to Quinnipiac -23 percent