Tracking Trumpy's Approval - Nov. 3

Trump's lowest ratings to date? 

  • 7 percent  approval and 59 percent disapprove: -22 percent (8/4/17)      

Trump highest approval ratings to date?

  • 45 percent approval and 43 percent disapproval +2 percent (1/27/17)    

Trump's current ratings? 

  • 39 percent approval and 57 percent disapprove: -18 percent      

President Trump's rating was flat despite seven new accredited polls rolling in this week. But what we still see is a trend -- the more likely someone is to vote, the higher his overall approval rating.    

  • With adult-only samples his rating over the past week averaged: 37 percent    

  • Registered voters only: 41 percent   

  • Likely voters: 43 percent

Two weeks ago the gap was four points. Last week it was a seven point spread and now it's six. 

We're in an important window of time with the budget deal now passed in Congress and the high potential for tax reform sitting in front of us. If the 

President has two thirds of our top priorities enacted in his first full year as President, that's arguably a success - especially if healthcare reform happens early in 2018. 

The range was Economist/YouGov –9 percent to Pew -25 percent

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