Today's Most Important Media Headlines - Sept. 29

These are the stories you don't want to miss (but probably would if I didn't find them for you) from the past 24 hours. No worries -- I've got you covered!

A survey conducted this August by The Washington Post and UMASS Lowell found "the most common reason that fans reported for a decrease in interest in the NFL in recent years was not concussions or violence, but political issues. Of those who identified that reason, 17% pointed to protests during the national anthem by players such as Colin Kaepernick." 

Credit to CNN for stumbling on some important truths (although there are other falsehoods with this particular story, most notably that this is a free speech issue - it isn't).

The public so far has welcomed the unregulated freedom of Silicon Valley -- as long as it was truly free. But now computer users are discovering that social media and web searches seem highly controlled and manipulated -- by the whims of billionaires rather than federal regulators. 

Both liberals and conservatives are just beginning to ask why internet communications cannot be subject to the same rules applied to radio and television. Companies such as Facebook and Google were able to warp their own social media protocols and Internet searches to insidiously favor progressive agendas and messaging. 

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not advocating for suddenly heavy-handed regulation, but the important point is the double-standard that has for so long existed. There's abject hypocrisy politically when politicians like a particular company or industry. Sometimes lobbying is behind it but mostly it's just picking winners and losers.   

 A Tennessee businessman has announced that he is pulling all commercials for his companies duringNFL games for the rest of the season. Allan Jones, who is the founder of Check Into Cash and a Cleveland, Tennessee native, announced on Facebook that he is pulling commercials for Check Into Cash, Buy Here Pay Here USA, and U.S. Money Shops. His reasoning? The NFL was condoning “unpatriotic behavior” by allowing players to take a knee before or during the national anthem. 

Jones also said that Hardwick Clothes will not advertise with the NFL anymore either. Jones took over Hardwick Clothing in 2014.  

And it begins. It's time for the left to get a dose of their own medicine. Those of us in talk radio have been subjected to endless boycott efforts and threats by leftist interest groups for years and for what? Reporting information and daring to have perspective that differs for the leftist worldview. It's one of the reasons it's so important to patronize our advertisers. Without them we don't get to do what we do. That being said money is likely to be the only way that the NFL learns right from wrong. 

Where was the angry left when Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the national anthem protests "dumb and disrespectful"? 

This is complete B.S. 

Colin Kaepernick only started this after having been benched for his playing time. Somehow there wasn't a crisis when he was a starting quarterback in the Super Bowl. Somehow, when he was getting national endorsement deals for crappy overpriced headphones (Beats - if you're not familiar - don't waste your money on them). 

It wasn't until he was benched that suddenly it was important to wear socks depicting police officers as pigs and performing the anti-American action of protesting the National Anthem and presentation of colors. It didn't escalate when a leftist Supreme Court Justice called it out for what it is. 

Racism and bigotry is alive and unfortunately too well. Just look at the football field last weekend. I back the badge and stand with those who fought for my freedom. Now is a time to choose sides because the NFL, owners and over 200 players have forced us to do so. Which are you on? 

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