Heavy Rain Has Bought More Snakes Slithering Across South Florida

The recent, heavy rain in South Florida has caused a spike in local snake populations. 

On Monday, neighbors in Pembroke Pines killed a poisonous water moccasin found roaming the neighborhood. The snake was described as 45 inches long and seven inches thick.

According to the Sun Sentinel, residents in Pembroke Pines and Miramar have been finding more serpents on their properties than usual.

South Florida is home to 47 species of snakes, but only four of them are venomous.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue says there are easy ways to reduce your risk of running into one of the slithery nuisances. 

Authorities say to remove tall grass and trash piles from your property.

They also advise you wear closed-toed shoes during peak hours of snake activity, which are first thing in the morning and at night.

If you are bitten, stay calm and call 911 right away.

The Centers for Disease Control reports some 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes, but only about five die each year.

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