May Day Marchers to Rally in South Florida

Hundreds of thousands of protesters from South Florida to across the country are taking to the streets for International Workers' Day.

The May 1st tradition has gained renewed momentum as immigration talks continue to seep out of the Trump administration.  Ana Tinsly, a local union rep, says there will be rallies in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

"We'll be participating in rallies in Miami at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, in Fort Lauderdale at 5 p.m. at Bubier Park and in Homestead Monday there's also going to be a strike, it's called a 'Day Without Immigrants' and a lot of the businesses there are going to be closed," said Tinsly.

In recent years, the annual day of action has highlighted a range of social issues, particularly the need for immigration reform and a living wage.

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