CHECK IT OUT: Today's Can't-Miss Trending Tech

This morning, we dove into the latest trending technologies with Consumer Technology Association's media spokesperson, expert and answer-man, Jim Barry.  

In January, Barry attended the esteemed Consumer Electronics Show (CES) — the largest trade show for technology that showcases more than 3,800 companies (e.g. manufacturers, developers and suppliers of consumer technology hardware, content, technology delivery systems and more) that sees over 165K attendees each year. 

Jim joined us this morning to talk trending tech: 

Google Home (wireless technologies)

Wireless technology is likely the biggest trending tech topic these days, with the "internet of things" and virtually everything being connected. Google Home is a smart Bluetooth speaker, similar to the Amazon Echo (or Alexa). However, the Home is a fairly newer technology, first introduced in November, 2016. These virtual, voice-activated assistants are extremely popular because they combine voice recognition with artificial intelligence. 

Barry says we're just at the cusp of a whole new error of compatibility with these technologies. After all, things become a big deal when they are easy to use and the price is right — and the virtual assistants accomplish both. You can purchase the Google Home here for just $129. 

Xtreme Fly and Drive Quadcopter

Drones have become a big deal over the past few years because we have combined these flying robots with the ability to record. The Xtreme Fly and Drive Quadcopter does just that with a digitally built-in camcorder.

This specific drone is very light to thew touch, however, if you purchase a drone weighing more than one half of a pound, it must be registered with the FCC. Another note to keep in mind: do not fly any drones within five miles of an airport (this is against the law). 

As long ad you abide by the guidelines, you may own your own drone. You can purchase the Xtreme Fly and Drive Quadcopter, which is capable of 10 minutes of continuous flying or driving in one sitting, here for $70.

Trumedic Electronic Pulse Massager

Health and fitness technology is huge, and this portable, electronic pulse massager from Trumedic allows you to get  a massage on the go. This device comes equipped with all of the attachments so that you can soothe aching muscles on the go and is customizable with five unique massage programs and three massage settings.

The electronic pulse massager also comes with a carrying case so that it can be stored during travel. Purchase it here for $33.99.

Coros Smart Helmet

This Coros Smart Bicycle Helmet is equipped with Bluetooth technology and bone conduction speakers that rest in front of your ears. This layout and placement allows for the cyclist to hear both what is going on around them, AND to your favorite music, podcast, or program of choice. 

As a cyclist, it's extremely important to be able to hear what is going on around you as opposed to drowning everything out with your favorite music. This specific helmet allows for both — balancing both technology and safety. Get it here for $199.99.

Xtreme Action View sunglasses

These Xtreme Action View Sunglasses have a built-in camcorder that allows you to record what you are seeing. Similar to a Go Pro, these glasses can be loaded with an SD card will record audio and video for up to 1.5 hours at once. The glasses are also able to take first-person still photos. 

This is a great spy wear gadget! Buy the shades here for $49.99. 

Nuheara IQbuds

Wearable tech is a huge thing. These Nuheara IQbuds are ear buds that are both wireless and noise canceling. Forget those giant headsets with big cushions that cancel out sound, there guys are compact and powerful. 

The buds also come with a carrying case that doubles as a charger. This is a win-win and is the perfect solution for travel. Purchase them here for $299.

With the ever-evolving technology community, there is always something new to see, learn, and experience. For more on trending tech, and in case you missed this morning's segment, check out the entire podcast here:

You can also check out all of the technologies we spoke about this morning in our "behind the scenes" gallery straight from the studio: 

For more insights on today's hottest technology, visit and follow Jim on Twitter @CTAanswerman. You can also catch Jim Barry often as a guest on South Florida's First News with Jimmy Cefalo!

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