Miami Beach Restricts Liquor Sales for Safety

Officials in Miami Beach voted Wednesday on ordinances that will restrict liquor sales in order to keep people safe.

Liquor stores will now have to be at least 1,500 feet (previously 300 feet) apart from each other. A second ordinance will suspend a previous restriction on buying alcohol in retail stores before 10 a.m., allowing people to make purchases starting two hours earlier. More details of the two ordinances are expected to be laid out before a final vote in April.

Not all commissioners are on board with the second ruling, since the current ordinance prevents homeless people from purchasing alcohol in the early hours of the morning.

During a City of Miami Beach commission meeting, one resident touched on the fact that the amount of criminal activity in the area has increased due to the widespread availability of alcohol, according to WSVN 7 News. The resident believes that going after liquor stores is a band-aid for the larger, "all night partying" issue.

Commissioners settled to move forward on both ordinances for the time being. They will be heard once again during a commission meeting on April 26.

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