State Lawmakers Unveil new Testing Legislation

Senator Anitere Flores, Representative Manny Diaz, Jr. and Representative Chris Sprowls unveil legislation for improving and enhancing statewide assessments.

The “Fewer, Better Tests” Legislation will move Florida’s statewide assessments to later in the school year, ensure teachers and parents receive easy-to-understand student score reports, and ensure teachers receive results from local assessments in a timely manner to help inform classroom instruction. 

Senator Flores says, "The students benefit because they will be given more time to learn the information so they don't have the pressure of learning a years worth of knowledge in half a year. Right now, the tests are given in the middle of March."    She adds, "Easy to understand student score reports will enable parents to understand their child's progress and timely local assessments will enable teachers to customize their classroom instruction."

Photo Credit: Joe Raedle, Getty Images

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