Police Chief: Back To School's Been Busy & 'Chaotic' In Palm Springs

Photo: dragana991 / iStock / Getty Images

It's been a busy week in the Village of Palm Springs where there are five schools, all starting the school year.

"It's those first two weeks that are always kind of chaotic. Parents who have been doing this every year but somehow they've got amnesia for this first week. And I get it, I have kids too. But we're out there just monitoring and making sure people follow the rules and no one gets hurt."

Police Chief Tom Ceccarelli says it takes a couple of weeks for everyone to get used to the traffic patterns and he has advice for anyone who does not have children in any of the local schools...avoid the school zones.

A reminder that speeding tickets are doubled during those school zone hours.

"I know our traffic officers are out there. They're going to be writing tickets if they see people speeding through there."

The chief asks everyone to be patient, watch for children and obey traffic laws.

The following schools are in Palm Springs:

G-Star School of the Arts

Kirklane Elementary

Palm Beach Preparatory Charter Academy (formerly Mavericks High School)

Palm Springs Elementary

Palm Springs Middle

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