Orlando Attorney John Morgan Still Not Jumping On Harris Bandwagon

Barack and Michelle Obama are endorsing Kamala Harris in the Democratic race for president but Orlando attorney John Morgan- a major Democratic fundraiser in Florida- is still shaking his head over Harris taking on Donald Trump in November.

"I don't have anything against her necessarily but I'm certainly not enthusiastic about this and I'm not enthusiastic about the way it happened."

Morgan told Simon Conway on Good Morning Orlando on WFLA that he doesn't believe in 'coronations.' Will Morgan vote for Harris?

"I don't know. I know this. I'm not going to be urgently worrying about voting because I just- to me it's just a race to the bottom."

Morgan says he can't believe that it's going to come down to Harris versus Trump.

"I mean, when it was Obama-Romney- it was like- OK- either one is going to be fine."

Image Courtesy Getty

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