LISTEN: Maternity Season Means No Banning Bats from the Belfry in Florida

TALLAHASSEE -- Monday (15th) is the last day you can legally block bats from getting back into your house or dwelling.

That's because Tuesday (16th) begins bat maternity season. It's illegal to use exclusion devices to keep bats out from mid-April to mid-August, because bat pups trapped without their mothers will start crawling along the walls looking for a way out. Worse yet, according to State Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission senior wildlife assistance biologist Jayne Johnston, some may die and create other problems inside the house.

All you can do for the next four months is block them out of your living space, unless you apply for a special permit which usually isn't granted in-season. Outside maternity season, you can use exclusion devices to keep bats from getting back to their roost.

Find out more by listening to an interview with Jayne Johnston below:

Photo: Canva

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