Governor DeSantis Touts Florida Higher Education at Freedom Institute

Photo: Jared C. Tilton / Getty Images Sport / Getty Images

(Naples, FL) -- Governor Ron DeSantis launched the Freedom Institute's speaker's series in Naples today stressing the importance of education over indoctrination.

DeSantis speaking about higher education said in addition to making American History a curriculum requirement, hopes by the end of the decade Florida will be number one in the country in work force education.

DeSantis also touted that Florida has the cheapest in-state tuition in the nation and it has remained unchanged for 10-years.

DeSantis says eliminating DEI from Florida universities was an important step toward shifting education from ideological education and to critical thinking.

As a result, DeSantis says Florida is producing really strong patriotic students who are able to understand the world and immediately enter the workforce.

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