Wellington's Village Council Delays Final Vote On Equestrian Preserve Deal

Photo: CBS 12

The Wellington Village Council has postponed a final vote on whether to redevelop the equestrian preserve.

It's been a contentious issue since all but one council member voted in November to give initial approval to allow a developer to remove 96 acres and build luxury communities.

Residents and equestrians have been showing up during a series of meetings this week. They include one woman wearing a t-shirt that reads "Horses Not Houses," who says "There's plenty of land in Florida for people to go develop. I think this preserve needs preserving."

But supporters, including Olympic show jumper Nayal Nassar who owns a barn in Wellington, tell CBS 12 News that the new showgrounds that will be built as part of the proposal are needed because the current ones are outdated.

“The application being put forth allows us to expand our horse show on one continuous piece of property. I think that’s extremely important. The way we’re doing it now, is we have two locations, where you have to cross streets. You have to cross a major intersection, which simply is not safe.”

An initial vote by the Council in November to approve the plan caused equestrians to start a recall petition for the mayor and three other council members.

Ultimately, the Village decided to table the vote until another meeting on February 7th.

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