WATCH: Before Trick-or-Treating, Check Your Block For Sex Offenders

TAMPA -- Law enforcement and probation officers across Florida have been reminding sex offenders not to do anything to entice trick-or-treaters to their doorsteps tonight.

Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister joined his deputies who've been checking on hundreds of sex offenders in his county, who under the terms of their probation aren't allowed contact with minors.

"There is no Hallowe'en for them," Chronister said, "There's no handing out candy, there's no wearing a costume."

Sex offenders are told not to have any Hallowe'en decorations up and to keep their front porch lights off. Chronister says that's a signal for parents not to send their children to those houses. The sheriff says parents should also check the neighborhoods

Chronister says parents should check the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website to find out where sex offenders live along their trick-or-treat routes. Click on this link.

See video from Sheriff Chronister below:

Photo: Canva

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