Miami Killer Whale, Lolita, Thriving Ahead of Move to Washington State

Photo: benedek / E+ / Getty Images

(Miami, Fla) - Miami Seaquarium is updating the health, Lolita, the 60-year-old killer whale.

Plans are underway to move Lolita, one of the oldest orcas in captivity, to a sanctuary near her home waters off Washington state.

Lolita's relocation could take more than a year and until then, the Seaquarium says she is eating well, swimming laps and playing with trainers.

Her pool has undergone over $500 thousand worth of improvements, and it's cleaned three times a week and kept at a maximum temperature of 58 degrees.

The Seaquarium says it'll share regular updates on Lolita's health through social media and a dedicated page on

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