LISTEN: Florida Wants Young, Aggressive Drivers To Chill

TAMPA -- Florida's launching a new campaign to get aggressive drivers to chill out.

It's called "Target Zero" and the goal, eventually, is zero fatalities on roadways. Kris Carson with the state department of transportation says they're applying data that shows young men in their 20's account for more than half of crashes with fatalities and serious injuries. They're doing focus groups with young drivers to find out the reasons they speed.

"We're doing community engagement to reach young males, working with law enforcement... we're just trying to reduce the numbers of fatalities and injuries," Carson said.

That includes a cartoon video showing an angry driver revving his engine and changing lanes, then putting on sunglasses and relaxing. FDOT is even trying to help drivers chill by posting laid-back playlists on YouTube. Carson says the message to aggressive drivers and speeders, is "you'll get there when you get there."

Find out more about Target Zero in an interview with Kris Carson below.

Watch the public service video below.

Follow this link to an FDOT page promoting chill driving and not speeding.

Photo: FDOT

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