Is It Possible To Have A Good Morning Without Coffee?

Research demonstrated that most people, most of the time, wake up in a bad mood. It’s not too complicated to track either. You can do it for yourself. Make a note of the first thing you think of each day and see if it’s generally something positive or negative.

On average it’s only positive about a day a week for most people. So, with that being said, new research from OnePoll suggests people at least try to start their day with a positive frame of mind. According to the study, 85% of us say we at least make an effort to try to be positive at some point early in the day. Whether that’s successful is another thing.

As for the one must. More than any other single answer, it’s coffee. Fifty percent say they need coffee to have a good morning. Count me in that group by the way.

What’s interesting in wading through what I’ve shared with you along with some of the other details in the research, is how you should best go about your morning to try to maximize your positivity to start your day with a better frame of mind. Nearly 90% of Americans drink coffee. Even if you’re not in the 50% camp who’d say it’s not even possible to be happy with coffee, there's no question that for coffee drinkers, it’s key to enhancing one’s mood early on.

It’s also known that drinking at least one full glass of water immediately after waking up aids your overall wellbeing as you become dehydrated while sleeping. To put it all together, you’d be best served by setting up your morning to include a glass of water immediately upon waking, followed by chasing it with your first cup of coffee, before doing anything of consequence. 

Try it for a week and see how it goes, along with tracking those first thoughts when you wake up. Here’s to a happier you.

Photos by: Getty Images

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