Florida News That Impacts South Floridians

This is a recap of some of the biggest news from around the state that impacts you in South Florida. Florida will receive 6.4 million rapid COVID-19 tests as part of the recently announced initiative with Abbot Labs by the Trump administration. The state will receive 400,000 tests per week, starting this week. Abbot’s rapid tests have proven to be the most effective with an average 98% accuracy rate. Furthermore, the Florida Department of Health released education-based COVID-19 data. The information was generally consistent with previous data demonstrating most COVID cases in Florida having occurred at colleges and Universities with relatively few cases attributed to K-12 classroom education. Palm Beach County, the only South Florida District to offer classroom education, and the 10th largest district in the country, has had seven students attending school test positive thus far.

In other news, Major League Baseball has announced significant consolidation of Minor League operations. The result will be 40 fewer teams and the elimination of the Minor League Headquarters in Florida. The full impact in Florida isn’t clear yet.

Lastly, while Broward and Palm Beach County have decided to comply with Governor DeSantis’s executive order to end restrictions on businesses and fines for violations of mask mandates, Miami Dade is not. Mayor Carlos Gimenez indicated a curfew of 11 pm will remain in effect, 50% capacity for indoor dining and fines for mask violations will still be enforced. This sets up a potential showdown between the state and county. The Miami-Dade School District is complying with the state’s mandate to reopen classroom education next week.

Photo by: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

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