City Now Issuing Fines For Mask Mandate Violators

Police in Delray Beach say they hope people will follow social distancing guidelines this holiday weekend.

City officials weeks ago approved an order to fine violators of the city's mask mandate, and now police are giving out those civil citations.

A sergeant in a video posted on the Police Department's Facebook page urges residents to follow the rules for the sake of others.

"Be mindful of what other people may be going through. You might not have the same mindset as someone else, but we have to be respectful of each other."

He says that officers will have masks with them to hand to folks who forgot to wear one...

"However when we do meet resistance, when subjects are not social distancing and ignoring the mandate order of wearing the mask, they will be issued civil citaitons at that point."

The fines start at $125 and double to $250 on a second violation.

Photo: Getty Images

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