Walmart Bans Couple Wearing Swastikas Face Covering

Walmart is banning a couple who showed up at a Marshall, Minnesota store wearing facemasks that were flags of swastikas.

Police issued trespass noticves to the couple, banning them from all Walmarts for at least a year.

Other customers in the store confronted the pair and videotaped them in the busy store.

The woman who was wearing the offensive flag said she was doing it to protest socialism in America.

Walmart released a statement after the video went viral:

"What happened today at our store in Marshall, MN is unacceptable. We strive to provide a safe and comfortable shopping environment for all our customers and will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment in any aspect of our business. We are asking everyone to wear face coverings when they enter our stores for their safety and the safety of others and it’s unfortunate that some individuals have taken this pandemic as an opportunity to create a distressing situation for customers and associates in our store."

The two wore the masks on the first day a mask mandate took effect in Minnesota.

Image courtesy Getty

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