Gyms May Become Coronavirus Casualty

Your neighborhood gym may not survive the global pandemic.

A survey of 2,000 Americans found 60% don't think shared gyms will ever return.

Before the virus, the typical "gym rat" would go a few times each week. Now, 3-out-of-4 respondents say it's easier to reach their fitness goals at home.

And there's this surprise:

Many assumed that lockdowns and quarantines would lead to mass weight gain and failed fitness goals. But 63% of respondents feel like they’ve gotten into better shape over the past few months. So, it seems many Americans just don’t think they need a gym membership anymore.

The survey by Freeletics also found that 64% of Americans are more interested in home-fitness options than ever before. And with so many people spending so much time at home, respondents report exercising an average of 25% more often than before the coronavirus emerged.

Image courtesy Getty

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