Florida’s Reopening After Two Weeks

Two weeks, now we’re in business, literally and figuratively. While Broward and Miami-Dade join the rest of the state in reopening today, it’s been two weeks since 64 of Florida’s 67 counties reopened representing 72% of the state’s population. That’s significant because 14 days is the long end of COVID-19's incubation period. It's enough time to see if we had an uptick in cases related to reopening. 

On May 4th, the day reopening began in Florida, there were 819 new diagnosed cases of COVID-19 statewide with a seven-day average of 680 new cases per day. Put it all together and two weeks into reopening Florida is the most recent daily cases down 16% and trailing weekly average for new cases up 1%.

We’ve had a decline in new case counts over two weeks ago and we were able to reopen most of the state’s economy with only a 1% uptick in new cases, which comes against the backdrop of more testing taking place statewide than two weeks ago. Florida’s reopening has generally been a success two weeks later but it hasn’t been perfect. Four of the five original states to reopen, including Georgia, experienced across the board declines in cases two weeks in. We’ve not fared as well as those states but we’ve also not gone backward. Soon we’ll have a clearer picture of what reopening looks like in Florida with Broward and Dade’s reopening today along with most of the state entering full phase one reopening. We’ll take another look in one week.

Photo by: Getty Images North America

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