Illegal Immigration Plummets During COVID-19 Pandemic

Earlier this week as I was thinking about issues we haven’t discussed in a while, and those I haven’t researched in a while. Illegal immigration came to mind. So, I pulled up the latest numbers from the US Customs and Border Protection agency. I expected a decline in illegal border crossings, but I was surprised just how significant the decline has been. According to CBP, there were 16,789 people who illegally crossed our southwest border in April. How big of a decline is that over a year ago? 85%. 

There was an 85% decline in illegal crossings year over year in April. In April 2019, more than 109,000 illegal crossings were documented by the Border Patrol. So why wouldn’t those motivate to cross illegally into the United States suddenly decide not to during the pandemic? After all, if you’re in distress and otherwise motivated to cross illegally wouldn’t you rather take your chances in the US than Mexico? 

It’s possible lockdown measures in Mexico have kept some would-be illegal immigrants in place, though Mexico’s full lockdown measures didn’t take effect until April 29th. What appears to be the biggest factor is that those who’ve been organizing the illegal crossings in recent years. Two years ago, at the peak of the caravan crossings at our southern border, I exposed the front organization behind the proliferation of caravans. Chicago based Pueblo Sin Fronteras. From my 2018 story, which made national news, “The Caravan Exposed- Who’s really behind it” - here’s an explanation of who they are...

The Caravan is bought and paid for by Pueblo Sin Fronteras - standing for "People Without Borders" or Village Without Borders. On their website, they depict exactly how this came to be. Want to be a part of their criminal caravan? There’s literally a tab for that! In fact, they were the key organizers behind the two previous illegal caravans (they have pictures and information archived). As for the effort to organize this one... It started with a “March and Rally” June 16th in Glendale, California. Next up an event in San Francisco, California July 28th. August 25th, they held another “Families without Borders” event in San Francisco. Next up September 15th in San Diego, September 16th in San Diego and Los Angeles, California, and most recently September 29th at the ICE Detention Center in San Diego. Yes, they held a rally, protest, concert at the ICE Detention Center.  

Evidently, at that point they’d raised the needed money canvassing the sanctuary state known as California and it was game on in Honduras. 

Pueblo Sin Fronteras regularly used radio and print advertising in select countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, to encourage participation in the caravans. Pueblo Sin Fronteras provided food, toiletries, and arranged for transportation for participation in the caravans. Additionally, representatives from the organization coached illegal immigrants on what to say to seek asylum in the United States in an effort to overwhelm the US immigration system. So, what’s happened during the pandemic? No fundraising events in the United States and thus no organizing south of our border. No professional organizing of illegal crossings, an 85% decline in illegal immigration. It’s unlikely the coronavirus has slowed would be illegals down. It has slowed down the American leftist front organization which produces illegal immigration. 

Photo by: Getty Images North America

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