March 9th Coronavirus Update

The news was always going to get worse before it would get better and that’s exactly what is happening. From South Florida to the Pacific North West, the COVID-19 virus has made its way. The question, of course, remains how much worse will it get before it gets better? And for that, we have no answers until we get there.

This daily update is designed to put everything into perspective with straight-forward facts. No hyperbole, no misinformation, no “bad math”. To date, over 80% of worldwide cases come from China. The virus continues to spread fastest outside of China, based on the information provided by the WHO. In the United States, we remain 9th in the world for cases with a doubling of positive tests over the weekend.

In Florida, we have 18 cases, two deaths and zero recovered. Nationally, there are 554 cases, 22 deaths and 15 recovered. While worldwide, there are 110,110 cases, 3,831 deaths, and 62,355 recovered.

The most disconcerting aspect of the virus at this point remains the death/recovery rate. It’s remained static at 6% for eight days. That’s an extremely high death rate. To put this in perspective, let’s say every American obtained the H1N1 flu virus. Based on its average death rate, it’d kill 165,000 Americans. If the COVID-19 virus maintains its current death rate and every American contracted it, 19.8 million Americans would die. Again, I’m not at all trying to be an alarmist. Those are just the facts. Hopefully, we begin to see progress with the death rate but as you can tell we now have more Americans who’ve died from the virus than have recovered. 

Photo by: Getty Images

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