Bipartisan Impeachment Acquittals

As the three-plus-year charade of impeachment comes to a close with acquittals in the Senate today, it’ll happen in a bi-partisan way. In fact, the only bi-partisan aspects of this impeachment will have been in support of President Trump. In the House, all Republicans voted against impeachment along with two Democrats and a third, Tulsi Gabbard, who voted “present”. One of those Democrats, New Jersey's Jeff Van Drew, was so disillusioned with his party he flipped and became a Republican. More of the same will happen in the Senate. Maybe not the party flipping, but the bipartisanship being in favor of acquittal. 

Believe it or not, there are two Democrats in the Senate who vote with President Trump most of the time. West Virginia’s Joe Manchin who votes with President Trump 54% of the time and Arizona’s Kristen Sinema who votes with President Trump just over 53% of the time. Look for both of them along with possibly Doug Jones of Alabama who votes with President Trump 37% of the time. There are two articles so it’s possible there might be split votes but regardless, the fact remains at the end of this process with Democrats having thrown the kitchen sink at President Trump and their allies, the only agreement across partisan lines will have been that none of this should have ever happened. 

Today is a great day in American History. One in which right triumphs over wrong against every conceivable effort by wrong to defeat right. As the dust settles, remember John Durham. Accountability is coming for those who brought the country and our president into this. 

Photo by: MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

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