Q&A – Combating Voter Fraud In South Florida

Today’s entry: What can we(I) do to make sure there is no cheating locally or nationally? Do I try to become a poll worker? Is there an organization or website to join? What are your suggestions? I know in some states there is no voter id and they are even considering voting by phone. The D's will do anything, including selling their soul to the devil to win Pres., House, or Senate.

Bottom Line: Voter fraud is as old as voting. That’s the good news/bad news aspect of this conversation. Your response to the concern is the most constructive. What can I do to help ensure fair elections? The answer is a lot more than you may realize. First, it’s important to realize that however pervasive the problem may be in any cycle, and specific to your concerns about Democrats, that they’ll do anything to win, it didn’t keep Donald Trump from winning the Presidency and Republicans controlling Congress after the 2016 Presidential Election Cycle. In South Florida, during the 2018 cycle when we had evidenced fraud and unlawful vote tabulation in Broward and Palm Beach Counties leading to the ouster of both supervisors of elections, it still wasn’t enough to keep Ron DeSantis from becoming governor and Rick Scott from filling the Senate seat held by Bill Nelson. It also wasn’t enough to keep George W. Bush from winning Florida, and thus the presidency in 2000. 

When it comes to voter fraud, we don’t know what we don’t know but the best overview of what we’re up against that I’ve read is John Fund’s 2004 book Stealing Elections and 2008 follow up Who’s Counting? His work depicts the history of voter fraud across the country including specific examples of it in South Florida. 

When it comes to voter fraud in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, I have the most confidence I've had heading into the 2020 cycle. Having turned over two election supervisors who presided over unlawful elections can only be a positive. Having Wendy Sartory Link and Peter Antonacci in place is doubtlessly better than Susan Bucher and Brenda Snipes. Yes, you should become a poll worker if you’re able. Be present for absentee vote tabulating, recounts and any other process that might become necessary. Become highly informed regarding all of Florida’s voting laws and know clearly what should and shouldn’t happen. Document and report anything that’s not appropriate. 

What isn’t helpful is incomplete or false information. Every election cycle, I receive numerous notes about alleged voter fraud, voter intimidation, etc. that don’t check out. First, if it can’t be verified, I won’t use it. Evidence and/or multiple credible sources are needed. Second, if time is spent attempting to verify false or incomplete claims, real issues can be missed. Here’s the checklist for you and anyone else across the country to help ensure fair elections. 

  1. Volunteer as a poll worker or observer
  2. Educate yourself fully on the laws applying to the election(s)
  3. Document (if possible) and report any potential impropriety 

Now, in the case of your specific political interests, you may want to check with Republican party leadership in advance of elections to see where they may need additional help with election oversight. This is important in South Florida and across the country for anyone you’re encouraged to engage this year. 

Submit your questions by using one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Facebook: Brian Mudd https://www.facebook.com/brian.mudd1

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