Here's a recap of some of the biggest news from around the state that impacts you in South Florida. Let's start with the Florida Supreme Court ruling in favor of the DeSantis administration/state of Florida on the restoration of felon's rights case. The court ruled financial restitution is required prior to the restoration of felon voting rights. The attorney representing Amendment 4 before the Florida Supreme Court argued in favor of financial restitution prior to its passage. It’s only after it became law their story changed.
In other news, Florida’s economy is even stronger than previously projected. Florida’s Office of Economic and Demographic Research, which is tasked with Florida’s official economic projections used for budgeting during the state session, upgraded Florida’s economic forecast for this year by $306 million and next year by $86 million.
Lastly, bills taking next steps in the state session included parental consent for abortions, the 2nd straight day of progress for the bill, eliminating restrictions on wine container sizes sold in Florida, a proposal to make it more challenging to obtain a legal review for proposed constitutional amendments. Also, a proposed constitutional amendment to eliminate the Florida Constitution Revision Committee, plus The DNA protection bill to prevent 3rd party sharing of DNA stored in Florida and the banning of the sale of shark fins in Florida.
Photo by: Don Juan Moore/Getty Images