Are Your Kids Drinking And Driving? Are They Riding With Someone Who Does?

This is a topic that holds a specific significance to me. While I never personally drove after drinking as a teenager, I rode with others who did and in two separate accidents, lost friends in high school who did. As a teenager, the loss of friends in those accidents was so significant to me, that I only had one alcoholic drink from the age of 17 through 26 and it on my 21st birthday.

Many families have been torn apart by drinking and driving. The problem is as significant today as it’s ever been. wrapped up a study on teen drinking and driving and found that Florida lands 18th for the highest number of teens drinking and driving. Also, 6% of Florida’s teens do drink and drive at least occasionally and 17% of teens at least occasionally ride with someone who’s been drinking. Moreover, 27% of Florida’s teens occasionally drink alcohol. Overall, 4 people per 100,000 drivers per year die from drunk driving deaths in Florida.

The big takeaways are these. Your kids are more at risk in Florida for drinking and driving and riding with those who drink and drive. Don’t take for granted that your good student with decent friends isn’t potentially one of them. It could happen.

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