The Florida In The Top Three Relocation Destinations

We’ve got a lot going for us in Florida, hurricanes aren’t one of them. But then again North Dakota is quite literally the only state that doesn’t have an above-average risk of at least one type of natural disaster, so it seems like a reasonable price of admission for everything we get to enjoy. 

It’s no secret that Florida’s been the top destination within the country for multiple years. But new information shows exactly where in Florida people want to be the most. Based on the latest from the U.S. Census, the top Florida counties for relocation happen to be Hillsborough County, Palm Beach County, and Orange County.

Seems appropriate. West coast, east coast, central. What’s remarkable is that these aren’t small counties. Each is averaging adding about 4% to their populations annually from outsiders moving in and often they’re moving in with money. In fact, Palm Beach County now has the most wealth with 71,000 millionaires and 40 billionaires of any county in the country.

Photo by: Marc Serota/Getty Images

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