Q&A – The Treatment Of Our Police & What We Can Do

Today’s entry -The event that is prompting me to send this information to you now, were the videos of the all-out disrespect and assault on the NYPD officers. A few months back, I made a recommendation. It is because of your unselfishness and passionate information “We Need to Know” regarding the “Back the Badge and Spread the Word” weekly acknowledgments of the supreme sacrifice made by law enforcement, I have nominated you for the Presidential Citizens award. I have also contacted, Senator Rick Scott’s office to ask for his assistance in ensuring your nomination is reviewed. That being said, if perchance you are contacted by President Trump’s administration or Senator Scott’s office, it is not a prank.

Brian, your integrity, passion for the truth and the ability to bring facts to light is unmatched. In addition, your patriotism is clearly on display at all times.

Bottom Line: I’m humbled and speechless about your incredibly kind words and gesture. My work pales in comparison to what those who serve and protect us do. Acknowledging the sacrifice and encouraging appreciation for our police is the least I can do. For those who aren’t familiar with the origin of the weekly tribute, it came in the wake of increased violence against police in the wake of the false reporting of the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri accompanied by the rise of anti-police movements like Black Lives Matter. The final straw for me was the murdering of the Dallas police officers followed by the NFL’s decision to not even let the Dallas Cowboys pay tribute to the murdered officers while allowing Colin Kaepernick pay tribute to Black Lives Matter on the field while protesting our flag and anthem. Sadly, since that time, the treatment and respect for our police continue. Last year the most common cause of death of law enforcement officials for the first time on record was murder. And the recent “viral” behavior of throwing ice, water, and objects at police in New York are but the latest reminder of how much more work needs to be done. 

Imagine what would happen in our society if good people no longer wanted to become police officers? In addition to showing appreciation for law enforcement and their families, it’s imperative we foster a culture that encourages future generations of good people to accept the risk and responsibility of police work. Our society and country would quickly collapse under chaos otherwise. It’s kind of like having on-demand power. We take it for granted until we don’t have it. As soon as we don’t have it, life as we know it stops until our power’s restored. Imagine if that happened with our police but without the restoration. Our freedom, our comfort, and our safety are all far more fragile than we appreciate in the day-to-day. Without them, not much else matters. 

I’m blessed to be in a position, due to listeners like you, who listen to/support me and our sponsors, to have the platform enabling me to do what I do. I feel it’s my responsibility to use it for purposes like this and to encourage others to do what they can in their own lives to make a difference. For most, that’s as simple as letting our police and their families know they’re appreciated. I’ve heard from families of fallen officers we’ve paid tribute to. It means more to them than any of us can probably appreciate. There are more of us than them (those who’d cause harm to law enforcement). They just tend to be louder and dangerous.

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