What's Happening With The ICE Raids & What’s Next?

By now we know that nowhere near 2,000 apprehensions of illegal immigrants ordered for deportation took place on any weekend stings by ICE. Based on the most recent info from ICE we do have a number, 35. That’s how many illegal immigrants were detained in the recent weekend raid. Given that we have over one-million that would have been ordered for deportation, we would need about another 28,600 of those operations to do the trick. That speaks to the bigger problem we’ve got going on right now. There are seven states with a smaller population than the number of illegal immigrants ordered for deportation. 

Add in the lawless political opportunists who seek to keep the status quo for their own political interests by declaring and maintaining unlawful sanctuary policies, politicians that attempt to aid these federal criminals and voila. A recipe for where we are today. ICE Director Matthew Albence did say it’s just the beginning of the operation. I certainly hope so, we’ve likely had more people enter the country illegally since I started this story than were taken out in that initial raid. 

When will the rule of law matter as much for illegal immigrants as it does for legal citizens? 

Photo by: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

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