Q&A – The Covert Plan To Move Illegal Immigrants To South Florida

Today’s entry -There are pockets of people who expressed they were interested in seeing illegal immigrants brought to South Florida for political gain. I spent much of the weekend attempting to respond to as many as possible, but I couldn’t pick just one. I want to provide an explanation that addresses as many of the questions as possible. 

Bottom Line:Let's start with the timeline. Friday, May 10th. Initial plan to relocate illegal immigrants into South Florida in approximately two weeks is created by an official within the DHS and Border Patrol. The plan is based on where illegal immigrant suggested their end destination would be if granted asylum. Sunday, May 12th, into Monday the 13th, Border Patrol Miami is notified of the plan and covertly hatches a plan to check in planeloads of illegal family units flown into the ports for processing until further notice. Around this time local officials central to this process are made aware as resources at the local level are needed to address the influx. 

Thursday, May 16th, information of this covert plan reached me. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw informs federal officials including Governor DeSantis and Senators Rubio and Scott. All were unaware. While I was in the process of researching and breaking this story, Senator Rubio tweeted about it, drawing attention from news media across the spectrum. At four, Thursday afternoon, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw held a news conference explaining his understanding of the program and expressing his concerns for the community. At 7:30 Thursday evening I joined Mark Levin to expose the deep state activity behind this decision and to provide the information that despite a myriad of false reports and irresponsible statements by public officials, President Trump was unaware. At approximately 9:30 Thursday evening President Trump was made aware. 

Friday morning the president Tweeted about it, stating that the people released during the ridiculous catch and release loophole would be documented and removed. Friday afternoon with Dr. Sebastian Gorka, I explained the role of Pueblo Sin Fronteras coaching illegal immigrants to attempt to be relocated to places like Florida and specifically addressed the Deep State activity and stonewalling within the Border Patrol in Miami and in Texas. Saturday midday. Confirmation by Governor DeSantis that he’d received assurances from President Trump that the plan to bring illegal family units to Florida have been stopped. 

I still don’t have an answer to the specific actors working to undermine the broader efforts of Border Patrol, President Trump and most importantly our national security. Hopefully, they have been exposed in this process and I’m simply not aware. Today, I have a multiple part story digging deep into how we came this close to this plan happening in the first place.

Submit your question by one of these methods. 

Email: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

Twitter: @brianmuddradio

Facebook: Brian Mudd https://www.facebook.com/brian.mudd1

Photo by David McNew/Getty Images

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