Latest Apple Watch Is A Game Changer

A few years back, Apple’s Tim Cook said that the most rewarding story from a customer he had received came from a user who said that the first generation Apple watch alerted him that he was about to have a major cardiovascular event. The user went immediately to the hospital and sure enough he was on the brink of a heart attack that the physician suggested could have been deadly. That was a few years ago and wearable tech, especially with Apple’s effort to take the next step to create a true medical device that does all the fun stuff as well, has paid off. 

Apple’s latest line of Watches has become 98% effective in detecting cardiovascular issues. This now includes the ability to accurately detect irregular heartbeats. In the latest studies, 84% of the flagged irregular heartbeats were also attached to events that require medical attention. In other words, we’re truly at the point where these devices can save your life from the events that are the most likely to take it. There’s an encouraging trend in the study group. According to this most recent study, 57% of Apple Watch users did seek medical attention when altered to do so by the device. That’s great news, but it also shows that an additional 27% needed medical attention but didn’t seek it. There are two takeaways here. Wearable technology, especially the latest versions of the Apple Watch has the potential to save your life. Also, if it tells you, there’s an issue you need to address, there’s a 98% chance it’s right.

Photo by: Pablo Cuadra/Getty Images for Apple

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