The Truth About Border Walls

While President Trump continues to fight for his promised border wall, including exploring the military building the wall, I thought it might be appropriate to once again illustrate how common they are and that the most pervasive form of media bias is omission. Let's start with the fact that Democrats including Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama voted for in the US Senate in 2006. 

Now that we have that fresh in our memories, here's a trivia question, how many countries do you think have border walls? Most can likely come up with Israel, which illustrates how well they work. How about others? What do you think? 3? 5? 7? Actually, take that last number, 7, and multiply it by 11. Yes, there are 77 countries with border walls around the world. Surprised? What’s more is how rapidly they’ve been built over the past 20+ years. 

In 1990 only 15 countries around the world had a border wall. That’s 62 countries adding border walls in recent years and yet news media hasn’t brought that to your attention. What does that tell you? Its crystal clear that border crashing has been an emergency situation around the world, not just in the US. In the views of these countries, the need to build these walls to protect their countries. It’s also clear that from the Democratic party of today and their extension in the news media care more about politics than safety, transparency and integrity in the process. 

This isn’t an honest disagreement in the arena of ideas. This is political deception and hypocrisy. What’s more is that the Great Wall of China isn’t even the most significant in the world. India’s wall, which is still under construction is more than twice the length of the Great Wall. In fact, India’s other border wall is also longer than the Great Wall. So is Turkey’s and Ukraine’s. Did you know that Austria, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Spain and even France also have border walls?  

There are two sides to stories and one side to facts. It’s about time you heard the truth about border walls in this endlessly politicized debate. The only mandated function of the federal government is defense and protection. This shouldn’t even be a difficult conversation let alone controversial. As recently as 2006 when Democrats voted for the wall it wasn’t. That shows you just how radical that part has become in twelve years.

Photo by: PEDRO PARDO/AFP/Getty Images

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