What Can We Expect of Ron DeSantis As Florida's Governor?

What can we expect from Gov. Ron DeSantis? - Sun Sentinel  

Excerpt:  It’ll be a leadership test for DeSantis, a former congressman who has never held a position as big as Florida governor. His inauguration will be Jan. 8. 

Expect more of the same under DeSantis’ watch. He has vowed to work closely with President Donald Trump and follow his predecessor Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s philosophy on the economy. 

DeSantis has been critical of Broward Sheriff Scott Israel and schools Superintendent Robert Runcie. He’s questioned their leadership because of failures before and after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. 

Supreme Court 

The new governor will fill three vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court. During the campaign, DeSantis told supporters that he’d be able to alter the judiciary in Florida “for a generation” with his picks, promising to appoint “constitutionalists” to the court. He said his justices would be in the mold of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Bottom Line: Umm...I’m compelled to address the...a former congressman who has never held a position as big as Florida governor. Quick question. Who that comes into that post ever has? Unless you were to have a former President of the United States run for Governor...Otherwise, there are some relevant points in the story. Notably the Florida Supreme Court points – which I frequently highlighted during the campaign – will be among the first and most important decisions he makes as Governor. Otherwise, if you want to have a clearer picture of the overall mold of Ron DeSantis – we can look directly to his voting record as a guide. After all, actions speak louder than words. Here’s the scorecard based: 

His voting record was 4% more conservative than the average Republican 

For perspective, his record is slightly less conservative than Mario Diaz-Balart and... 

He had the 151st most conservative voting record in the US House 

Meaning that while he’s more conservative than not – he's far from being a hard-right ideologue as he’s often been portrayed in media. Based on your political preferences that may be either welcomed or unwelcomed news but as I’m inclined to say... There are two sides to stories and one side to facts.

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